Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Watch online वास्तुपुरूष- ८ महाराष्ट्र राज्य पुरस्कार

award winning film online Cast: Sidhartha Daftardar, Uttara Baokar, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Ravindra Mankani, Atul Kulkarni, Tushar Dalvi, Lianne Hill and Mahesh Elkunchwar
Directed by: Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukthankar
Music: Shrirang Umarani.
Story: It is the story of a doctor, Dr. Bhaskar Narayan Deshpande born in a traditional Brahmin family, receives Magsassey Award for his achievements in the field of preventive medicine in the slums of Mumbai. After living in Mumbai for forty years, he decides to return his native village and build a hospital at the place of the ruins of his home, just to appease his family’s guardian spirit. Her mother makes Bhaskar understand that his feudal Brahmin family has done a lot of injustice to the so-called lower castes and the Vastupurush has received curses for generations.

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